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USA Environmental Services is focused on providing recyclable & compostable packaging solutions for your business.

A picture of coardboard boxes saying "I'm not trash" representing sustainable packaging education.
How it works
A picture of a cardboard box representing sustainable packaging.

Sustainability Packaging

We offer sustainable packaging solutions that are recyclable & compostable. 

How it works
A picture of recycleable and compostable packaging products representing product options.

Product & Service Options

We have a wide-range of products & services to fit your business needs.

How it works
A picture of hands around a world representing everyone needs to do their part to create a sustainable future.

Sustainable Partner

Selling products that are recyclable & compostable will help reduce carbon emissions.

How it works
Attention California Businesses & Residents
Packaging Law's

Assembly Bill (AB) 793, requires beverage manufacturers to ensure that a minimum of 50% of their single-use plastic beverage containers are made from recycled materials starting in 2030. This will help to decrease the amount of new plastic that is produced and reduce waste in landfills.


Senate Bill (SB) 168, expands the state’s current recycling program for beverage containers to include all single-use packaging. This means that all single-use packaging will now be eligible for a refundable deposit, making it easier for consumers to recycle and reduce waste.


Senate Bill (SB) 54, requires all packaging in the state to be recyclable or compostable by 2032, cutting plastic packaging by 25 percent in 10 years and requiring 65 percent of all single-use plastic packaging to be recycled in the same timeframe.

Basic Steps for Sustainable Packaging Solutions
  1. When shopping for products, prioritize those made from recycled materials. To confirm the authenticity of the claim, look for a certification or label on the product that verifies the source of the recycled content. By choosing recycled products, you can help reduce the amount of waste sent to landfills and conserve natural resources.

  2. Before disposing of any packaging material, check if it can be recycled through your local curbside program. The acceptance of recyclable items varies by city and even by neighborhood, so it's important to know what is accepted in your area. You can find this information on your city or waste management company's website, or by contacting them directly. By making sure your packaging is recyclable, you can help keep valuable materials out of landfills and support the recycling industry.

  3. If you're using packaging for food products, consider opting for compostable materials. Composting is a process that breaks down organic matter into nutrient-rich soil, and compostable packaging can be included in this process. However, not all cities have composting programs or facilities that accept compostable packaging, so be sure to check if your area offers such a service. By using compostable materials, you can help reduce the amount of waste sent to landfills and support sustainable food systems.

  4. It's important to separate packaging that cannot be fully recycled or composted from those that can. This is because items that are mixed or contaminated with other materials can't be properly processed, and will likely end up in a landfill or incinerator. So, take the extra step to separate materials like plastic films, styrofoam, and other non-recyclable or non-compostable items from those that can be properly recycled or composted. By doing so, you can help ensure that as much waste as possible is diverted from landfills and that valuable materials are reused or repurposed.

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